Tuesday, February 7, 2012

IPAD Social Skills

I have been using my IPADs with lots of my nonverbal or somewhat verbal MD kids.  TouchChat really seems to be making a big impact because of the language system and its opportunities for growth.  This has saved me some time so that I don't have to make as many communication boards for them since they are using the core vocabulary on their IPAD.  I have also been using the IPAD for my kindergarten social skill intervention in the classrooms.  Each week we cover a topic (keeping your hands to yourself, listening to the teacher), watch a video, and then I tape the kids practicing the skill or not practicing the skill outside of the classroom.  It is a great learning tool and the kids give feedback on how they did.  They really enjoy watching themselves and I think it is good for them to see what they are doing and break down what they can improve on next time.

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