Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dropbox! Get it!

You need to download Dropbox. I'll wait while you do so..... Great, now that you have it you can do so much with it. In simplest term it is an online filing cabinet. Take a photo or movie on your ipad and upload it to Dropbox then access the video from your computer. It's great for files and papers you view often. You can also share folders. I have made a couple yoga videos and clips and have made them available through Dropbox to a couple teachers already. Now they can view my files and do yoga with the kids in the classroom. If their was a video they wanted of a student performing an activity then BOOM, I can put it in a shared folder and they have it. It is really great and I use it everyday for class.
Bad news is our district will not allow access to the Dropbox website :( so you will have to set up your account through another internet provider (I recommend the McDonalds on Brieil).
Check out the site and the tutorial video.



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